Thursday, June 22, 2023

Random stuff from Spain

This post is a catch-all for stuff we thought you might find interesting, but that didn't fit anywhere else. 

In an earlier post, we showed the breadmobile that makes the rounds of little towns in the Somiedo area. I assume that happens elsewhere too, but don't really know.

Earlier in the trip we had encountered a mini grocery store: this truck pulled up and a bunch of women gathered to do their daily shopping. One of them had done a special order of something, but the rest were just buying from the minimal selection of stuff on the shelves. As you can see, there were some fresh fruits and vegetables...makes sense: probably most of the customers do most of their food shopping by going infrequently to a supermarket in a larger town, but want fresh fruits and veggies.


Phil, in particular, tends to notice signage and to find some of it amusing.

Love this security sign. 

When we got to this spot we weren't 100% sure which way to go. Fortunately they had this helpful signpost. 

We've already noted the cat-on-a-keyboard nature of the Basque words and signs. Here's another nice example (click so you can see a bigger version). 

Another nice sign.

And another.  We did see bears, at Somiedo Natural Park (a mama with two cubs, and another mama with one) but only at a great distance.

Vermut (vermouth) is big in Spain. Indeed, you can say "I'll see you at vermut" to mean "I'll see you at noon." There's quite a wide range of flavors.

This beer was pretty good, malty and flavorful. But it bears nearly no resemblance to an IPA (India Pale Ale), which the bottle says it is supposed to be.  

That's a lot of chocolates!

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